Registration for the Hatashita Ontario Open Judo Championships is underway. The Hatashita Ontario Open is one of Canada's premiere tournaments attracting competitors from across Canada, the USA, and even overseas!
This year's event features:
Hatashita Mizuno Fuji Sponsorships available to be won
Shiai Divisions U12- Veterans
Grand Champion Open Weight Division with a Cash Prize!
Senior Ne-Waza Competition
Veterans Ne Waza Competition
Differently Abled Ne Waza
5 Competition Areas
Live Webcasting by
Full details can be found in the technical package linked below
Here are some key things to note about this year's event. Please refer to the technical package for additional details:
This is a PRE-REGISTRATION ONLY tournament
All Coaches MUST be NCCP Dojo Intstructor (Level 2) Trained and MUST pre-apply for an accreditation badge
The registration check in and weigh in will be at the tournament venue
Registration Links
Athlete: Register Here
Coach: Register Here
Referee: Register Here
Volunteer Register Here