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It takes a small army of volunteers, friends, family, and Judoka to run an organization the size of Judo Ontario.


We would like to thank all our supporters for their countless hours of time spent

helping Judo Ontario grow into the successful organization it is today.

Click on one to view full in full screen and scroll through

the slideshow of Judo Ontario Award Winners. 

2021-22 & 2022-23 Awards

Awards 21-22 Slide-1.jpeg
Awards 22-23 Slide-1.jpeg

Click to see the full awards booklet

2019-2020 Awards

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Presidential Recognition

John Ormston

Fran McCrodden Volunteer of the Year

Steve Horvath

Outstanding Board Contribution

Aartje Sheffield

Joe LeStrange Award

Briana McDowell​

Tom Kasprzyk Award

Grant Kuramoto

William Doherty Referee Achievement Award

Chris Brown

Veteran Female Athlete of the Year

Amanda McAlpine


Veteran Male Athlete of the Year

Ron Angus


Judo Club of the Year

Taifu Judo Club

Judo Ontario Hall of Fame Inductee

Aartje Sheffield

U16 Female Athlete of the Year

Kiera Burt


U16 Male Athlete of the Year

Maksim Rudakov

U18 Female Athlete of the Year

Asia Douglas

U18 Male Athlete of the Year

Amr Adb El-Rehim

U21 Female Athlete of the Year

Alexandria LeFort

U21 Male Athlete of the Year

Benjamin Kendrick


Senior Female Athlete of the Year

Jessica Klimkait


Senior Male Athlete of the Year

Shady El-Nahas​

Kata Athletes of the Year

Shane Rooney & Bailey Hu

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Presidential Recognition

Ken Morley

Volunteer of the Year

Angelique Plata-Harris

Outstanding Board Contribution

Bill Doherty

Joe LeStrange Award

Steve Campbell​

Tom Kasprzyk Award

Aartje Sheffiled

William Doherty Referee Achievement Award

Carline Young

Veteran Female Athlete of the Year

Carline Young


Veteran Male Athlete of the Year

Vitaliy Polyanskyy


Judo Club of the Year

Taifu Judo Club

U16 Female Athlete of the Year

Kiera Burt


U16 Male Athlete of the Year

Thomas Sparkes

U18 Female Athlete of the Year

Asia Douglas

U18 Male Athlete of the Year

Amr Adb El-Rehim

U21 Female Athlete of the Year

Alexandria LeFort

U21 Male Athlete of the Year

Keagan Young


Senior Female Athlete of the Year

Jessica Klimkait


Senior Male Athlete of the Year

Shady El-Nahas​

Kata Athletes of the Year

Allyn Takahashi & Raj Venugopal

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Volunteer of the Year

Briana McDowell

Outstanding Board Contribution

Chris Brown

Joe LeStrange Award

Carline Young

Tom Kasprzyk Award

Dale Rasmussen

William Doherty Referee Achievement Award

Anne Laurence Chevalier

Veteran Female Athlete of the Year

Amanda McAlpine


Veteran Male Athlete of the Year

Ron Angus and Vitaliy Polyanskyy


Judo Club of the Year

JCCC Judo Kai and Takahashi Dojo

U16 Female Athlete of the Year

Alyssandra Phoebe Manuel


U16 Male Athlete of the Year

Amr Abd El Rehim


U18 Female Athlete of the Year

Rachel Krapman


U18 Male Athlete of the Year

Keagan Young


U21 Female Athlete of the Year

Allayah Copeland

U21 Male Athlete of the Year

Benjamin Kendrick


Senior Female Athlete of the Year

Jessica Klimkait


Senior Male Athlete of the Year

Bradley Langlois

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Outstanding Board Contribution

Heather West

Joe LeStrange Award

Jeff Bulter

Tom Kasprzyk Award

Frank Vossen

William Doherty Referee Achievement Award

Graham Harding

Fran McCrodden Award

Mary Walsh

Veteran Female Athlete of the Year

Susan Sokol & Fraser Bridgeman

Veteran Male Athlete of the Year

Herman Vermeiren

Judo Club of the Year

Ajax Budokan

U16 Female Athlete of the Year

James Lonsdale


U16 Male Athlete of the Year

Emma Blake

U18 Female Athlete of the Year

Rachel Krapman


U18 Male Athlete of the Year

Aidos Sapenov


U21 Female Athlete of the Year

Jessica Klimkait​

U21 Male Athlete of the Year

Shaddy El Nahas


Senior Female Athlete of the Year

Kelita Zupancic

Senior Male Athlete of the Year

Bradley Langlois

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