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Tournament Results


Day 1 - Kata & Ne-waza

A strong start for Judo Ontario on Day 1 of the 2024 Canadian Open Championships! Judo Ontario was represented by 18 kata teams and 6 ne-waza athletes, bringing home a total of 12 medals, including 3 gold, 3 silver, and 6 bronze. Congratulations!


Detailed results



Day 2 - U18 & Veteran

Day 2 of the Canadian Open Championships in Montreal was a success! Judo Ontario’s 77 dedicated veteran and U18 athletes came ready to fight, securing an impressive 16 medals, including 2 gold, 5 silver, and 9 bronze. Congratulations to all!


Detailed results



Day 3 - U16 & U21






Pre-event Updates

Event Updates:

  • Late Entries/Changes:

    • Late entries, second entries and changes to the original registration will be accepted until the end of the accreditation period 6pm on May 22nd for Kata and ne-waza events and 5pm on May 23rd for all other events.

  • Schedule:

    • Please note the competition schedule has been updated by Judo Canada, moving most events to an earlier start time


Intro to Coaches & Staff:

  • Staff: Steve Sheffield & James Cunningham

    • Event/logistics support

    • Accreditation

    • Clothing (Team Ontario gear)

  • Coach: An Jeong-Hwan, Yoshiki Ono & Carline Young

    • Athlete & Coach support

    • Warm-up sessions

    • Coaching (pre-arranged) – if you don’t have a coach attending, please discuss with the coaches on-site in Montreal



  • May 22-26th

    • Steve/James will have clothing available when picking up accreditation and throughout the event.

    • There will be limited clothing on-site for purchase and to swap sizes.

    • Some previous clothing will also be available at a discount (t-shits, hoodies, etc).

  • Athletes will be expected to wear their Team Ontario clothing on the day(s) they are competing, and you are encouraged to wear your Ontario clothing while spectating and supporting your peers.


Logistics info:

  • Accreditation

    • Kata/NeWaza: 17:00 to 18:00 at Centre Pierre-Charbonneau

    • Shiai: available after 17:00 on Thursday May 23rd

    • Steve/James will have accreditation on site at the venue or at the main hotel (Royal Versailles) – you can pick up Thursday to Sunday

    • You will need accreditation before entering the competition areas

    • Athletes competing in a 2nd/3rd division need to confirm after their 1st division is complete – deadline is 18:00 each day (Confirm with James/Steve or Judo Ontario Coaches)

  • Team Meeting

    • Thursday @ 16:30 Centre Pierre-Charbonneau (30min before U18/Veteran weigh-in)

    • Attendance is optional

    • Plan to cover basic tournament info, Team Ontario plans and hand out accreditation & clothing

    • Special guest to be announced!!

  • Communication

    • We have a WhatsApp group for Team Ontario communications - WhatsApp - Team Ontario - Link

    • We will share general updates, group warm-up times and accreditation/clothing pickup times/locations

    • Tournament updates will be shared if possible, but it is important to follow the official Judo Nationals communications to ensure you have the most current information

  • Food/Drink/Snacks

    • We will have a limited supply of food/drink/snacks available for athletes at the venue

    • The JO supplies are intended as a quick secondary option, please plan to bring your own food, or purchase on site

    • The Centre Pierre-Charbonneau being environmentally friendly, bottled water will not be purchased and given out inside the facility. Athletes, coach, spectators are encouraged to bring their own water bottles to refill at the venue.

  • Banquet

    • Tickets must be purchased in advance directly through Judo Canada/Open Nationals registration (Judo Ontario does not have extras)

    • Judo Ontario staff will be at the banquet, but everyone is reminded they are responsible for your own behaviour and must adhere to the code of conduct


Coaching info:

  • Warm-up

    • Times TBD: expect a time prior to the first block each day (1hr prior to 1st event start)

    • Attendance is optional

    • Judo Ontario Coaches will be leading sessions

  • Coaching support

    • Please reach out ASAP if you don’t have a personal coach attending and would like support from one of the Team Ontario coaches

    • You can reach out to the coaches, or JO staff (Steve/James)

  • Weigh-in:

    • Each athlete is required to present identification with photo at the weight-in.

    • Weigh-in rules for multiple events have been updated in the tournament standards for this year. Please review directly on the Judo Canada site or contact the Judo Ontario staff or coaches.

  • Draw Sheets/Meeting:

    • NEW. There will be no draw meeting. The draws for each division will be made after the weight-ins and posted online as soon as they are completed. 






Ontario Team Registration

  • All Ontario athletes will be required to register through the link below for Team Ontario-Open Nationals. Part of this registration is the required Team Ontario clothing for Nationals as well as a nominal team fee ($20). You will also be asked to indicate if your personal coach will be attending, to help with planning and to ensure that all Ontario athletes are supported at the event.

    • Eligibility for Team Ontario will be as indicated in the Judo Ontario Athlete Handbook - Judo Ontario Athlete Handbook | Judo Ontario

    • Any U21 and older athletes, including all newaza and kata competitors are welcome to register for Nationals without any additional requirements beyond what is listed in the Open Nationals Technical Package

    • U18 and younger athletes will be asked to confirm they met the Judo Ontario eligibility requirements for this year (if there are any questions, contact Steve Sheffield to confirm)

  • This step is required and must be completed in order to be eligible to compete at Open Nationals.




Team Ontario Clothing

  • Attending Open Nationals as part of Team Ontario carries a certain amount of pride and we want to encourage everyone from Ontario to come together and support each other at the pinnacle event on the Canadian Circuit

    • To that end, it is expected that all athletes competing at Open Nationals have current Team Ontario clothing to wear.

    • Athletes will be expected to wear their Team Ontario clothing on the day(s) they are competing, and you are encouraged to wear your Ontario clothing while spectating and supporting your peers.

  • To ensure consistency for future years and based on feedback received, we have committed to a clothing supplier to provide a Nike tracksuit (hoodie and pants).

  • For this year, if you purchased a Team Ontario hoodie in 2023, you don’t need to purchase the new 2024 version (please mark this selection in Trackie when registering)

  • Coaches – any coaches with 5 or more athletes attending Nationals will be provided with a Team Ontario polo shirt. Coaches are also welcome to purchase a tracksuit or polo shirt separately.


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