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News Release

Toronto (November 24, 2022) – Judo Ontario announces the departure of James Millar, the Judo Ontario Technical Coach/Director & Judo Canada Regional Training Centre (RTC) Coach. James has recently taken on a new opportunity with the

Canadian Sport Institute of Ontario (CSIO). James has played a large part in managing and growing the Judo Ontario High-Performance Development Centre and its programs over the last five plus years. With an incredible work ethic he has supported Judo Ontario in many capacities. Coach James will be greatly missed. We wish him much success in his new role. An Jeong-Hwan will be taking on the role of Head Provincial Coach along with his duties as the High Performance Coach. For those who don’t know Coach An’s background, he managed and coached the Spanish and Korean National teams, and was the Olympic Coach for Spain in Rio 2016 as well as the Korean National Team Coach from 2016-2019. Coach An has a Master’s degree in Physical Education from Korea and has achieved his national coaching certification in both Korea and Canada. An Jeong-Hwan was the bronze medalist at the 2009 World Championships, silver medalist at the 2008 Tokyo Grand Slam, and silver medalist at the 2010 Grand Prix

Dusseldorf, to name a few of his accomplishments.

We at Judo Ontario welcome Coach An in his new position and support his vision about how to improve and support our programs.In the interim, Judo Ontario is going to leverage the support of high-performance club coaches to assist during this transition period, in order to help our athletes reach all of their competitive goals. We have invited Yoshiki Ono, who is now living in Toronto and attending our High Performance Program trainings, to serve as avolunteertraining partner and give our athletes experience with a high level judoka

We wish Coach James all the best in his future endeavours and welcome Coach An in his new role within Judo Ontario.

Brian Kalsen (President) on behalf of Judo Ontario

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